What are the competitive characteristics of Kaiping water dispenser faucets

2019-10-30 1229

Nowadays, water dispensers have been widely used in drinking water shopping malls, and various types of campus direct drinking water dispensers are also competing among schools of thought, each occupying its own side. Of course, there are various types of water dispenser faucets that come with the water dispenser. Although nowadays in shopping malls, there is a phenomenon of a variety of water dispenser faucets blooming; But overall, the competition for boiling water faucets appears in three characteristics.

Firstly, there are various styles of water heaters and faucets, and their structures are also quite innovative. As for the current new type of water heater faucets, most of them are made of stainless steel or copper and use ceramic chips. By controlling the internal ceramic chip to schedule the switch of the water heater faucet and the outlet temperature, the desired goal has been achieved.

Secondly, the current campus direct drinking water dispenser faucets also exhibit different types of functions. Being able to adjust the size of water flow more sensitively to ensure the convenience of users, bringing more convenient and convenient days to people.


Thirdly, many water heaters and faucets have beautiful designs, and their collaboration with water heaters adds even more beauty. It can be said that people's aesthetic sense is constantly improving, so they are also constantly seeking to be lost in every place. Adding new elements to the water dispenser faucet shopping mall has also put a lot of effort into the appearance of the faucet, making it a work of art to make the water dispenser faucet turn on!

Of course, there may also be problems with the accessories of a useless campus drinking water dispenser. Let's take a look at how to deal with the problem of reduced water flow after long-term use of the campus drinking water dispenser.

Generally speaking, a decrease in water flow is due to scale blocking the faucet of the campus direct drinking water dispenser, so we need to remove the scale from the faucet of the dispenser. The main components of scale are calcium sulfate, hydrogen carbonate, and other substances. As long as acid substances such as vinegar are added to the faucet, the scale in the faucet can be removed.

However, even the most timely and effective energy-saving water heater faucet must be carefully used during normal use, and should not be used excessively, as this will shorten the lifespan of the water heater.

文章源自:开平开水器龙头          http://www.kplongyi.com/