Is it correct to hear that long-term consumption of water from electric water heaters can lead to calcium deficiency

2020-08-22 1780

Does long-term consumption of water from electric water heaters really lead to calcium deficiency in the human body? "At the Cenling Forum on Drinking Water Safety and Health held on World Water Day, experts from disease control, nutrition, and other participants pointed out that the important factors leading to calcium deficiency are actually insufficient calcium intake in the diet, vitamin D levels, sunlight exposure, and activity levels. It doesn't matter what water we drink."

Calcium supplementation and drinking water are not absolutely related

Faced with the view that long-term consumption of electric water heaters can lead to calcium deficiency in the human body, officials from the COFCO Institute of Nutrition and Health have revealed that the human body can only obtain very few trace elements from water. In fact, the minerals people need mainly come from food, not drinking water People consume less than 1% of the calcium in food from water. As usual, even if we drink one liter of natural water, we only have a few to tens of milligrams of calcium

Therefore, establishing a scientific habit of drinking water is even more urgent. Don't wait until you are thirsty to drink water, you should drink water automatically. After a night of sleep, dehydration is relatively tense, so when you wake up, you should drink your first glass of water. Some experts believe that "people's living standards have improved, and their diets have also greatly improved. Chicken, duck, and fish are not only not scarce, but they also often eat fruits. Meat and fruits are rich in minerals and trace elements, and do not require the addition of minerals from water."


China implements strict standards for drinking water

Researchers from the China Intermediate Institute of Disease Control and Prevention have revealed that in recent years, the country has done a lot of work in the safety of drinking water from electric water heaters, such as implementing the "Ten Measures for Water" and "stricter water pollution". The prevention and control laws in history have all been measures to solve water safety problems and have played a good role in promotion.

Meanwhile, for ordinary people, we are more concerned about the water flowing out of the faucet, which is the water in our cups. In terms of water safety supervision, China has also implemented "historically strict drinking water standards.". The current drinking water standards in our country include 106 water quality indicators, which can comprehensively control the safety of drinking water from microorganisms to chemical pollutants to radioactive substances.

文章源自:开水器厂家                                              &Nbsp;