Detailed explanation of the internal structure of the faucet of the Kaiping water heater

2020-12-14 2484

Types of water heaters: According to their internal structure, water heaters on the market can be roughly divided into floating ball type water heaters, lively type water heaters, and stepper type water heaters.

Floating ball water heater is a product of water heaters with a simple internal structure. It can be mainly divided into: box body (used for water storage and boiling), floating ball (used for water level control), and heating pipe (used for heating). Because during use, people find that it only has one water tank and cannot separate raw water from boiling water; There is only one float as a water level control, which cannot control the raw water entering the water tank when people take water. Causing the occurrence of yin and yang water, affecting the quality of drinking water and people. However, due to its simple structure and low cost, the floating ball water heater is still being used in 70-80 factories, hotels, and tea houses.


The Huanteng type water heater, aimed at preventing the occurrence of yin and yang water in products, has been developed by Chinese manufacturers of water heaters through technological innovation. The Huanteng type water heater is designed to prevent the occurrence of yin and yang water. Its principle is mainly to separate raw water and boiling water, changing from a floating ball type box to two Huanteng type boxes. One box is equipped with an electric heating tube, responsible for boiling water, and the other box is responsible for storing boiled water. This can prevent the mixing of raw water and boiling water, solving the problem of "yin and yang water".

But at the beginning, due to the disorderly completion structure, high cost, and the inability to clean the sealed box, the service life was not long, and there was not a high market coverage rate. In recent years, due to technological innovation brought about by competition in shopping malls, some manufacturers have produced Huanteng style water heaters with low cost, simplified internal structure, and stable quality. With the increasing awareness of people's health, the joyful water dispenser is also increasingly popular in shopping malls.
